Course of Life
What atrocities of a confessional Would unstitch the truth from my lips; That I do not in fact know what I am doing - “Don’t worry I’m a professional.” - Persistently paradoxical, a professionally unprofessional; never wants to think too hard about anything, caught in a treacle thought - til one finds nothing but the not-end of an auto-cannibalistic self; think philosophical fervour, melancholic murmurs lacrimal lamentation Obfuscated obsessional -“Don’t worry, I’m a professional” - I should however qualify that I am not qualified; I am not qualified. Please do not be surprised if I am, once encountered; thusly incompetent: unknown and recalcitrant. I am here (I suspect) simply by clerical error In the broad expanse of the universe, Kafka’s gleeful in-coffin celebration of his costectomy at my happenstances. One-in-a-million. Billion. And the ruins of Roman Roads all lead home to me; more house than home; more worn brickwork and drought ridden grass in the contested patch of front yar...