
You think about Salvation,

You do, you think about Salvation,

You think about how the meek will inherit the earth,

you think about all the sh-tty people who’ll

get what they deserve,

you think that all this; this back

breaking, soul crushing, never retire sh-t,

All of this will mean something,

be worth something.

Worth something more than the end

of the month paycheque that goes straight into

the pockets of your price hiking landlord,

of the mega supermarket chain,

of the government that underpays the

doctors keeping you sane.


You think about Salvation,

you think – often so you don’t forget-

that you are a human person with

thoughts and feelings and you mean something

to someone.

Even if your boss’ boss’ boss in a

country a private plane ride away,

who’s thinking about how the bottom line

will look if he axes a department,

doesn’t know you from Adam.

You think about Adam.


You think about Adam and Eve,

And while you might not necessarily believe,

you wonder if they would have eaten that

apple if they knew that nowadays

the only kind of apple that counts

is the all new £1000 kind, that breaks if it falls

off your bed.

You wonder if they would have eaten that

f-cking apple if they knew

that people have decided they don’t like

immigrants and now fruit is so goddamn


Would they have eaten that stupid, f-cking

apple if they knew that their,

however many ‘great’s, grandkids

are dying because they took the gamble

on staying fed that month instead of

paying to get that weird cough checked

out -

and lost.

But it is what it is;

You’re thinking about Salvation.


You’re thinking about Salvation.

You’re thinking that all of this is for a reason,

because it has to be –

all of this has got to be worth something,

mean something.

So you think about Salvation.


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